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Onsite/ROW Data

October 4 2019 Data Results Set 1

Onsite/ROW Data

October 2 2019 Data Results Set 2

Onsite/ROW Data

October 2 2019 Data Results Set 1

Onsite/ROW Data

October 1 2019 Data Results Set 3

Onsite/ROW Data

October 1 2019 Data Results Set 2

Onsite/ROW Data

October 1 2019 Data Results Set 1


2019_09_30 Offsite Interim Preemptive Mitigation Installation Monthly Update


Complaint Memo – September 2019


2019_09_23 EGLE Letter – Response to September 9, 2019 Notification


2019_09_23 EGLE Letter – Response to July 25, 2019 Notification

Vapor Report

35000 Plymouth – Q3 – 2019 – Vapor Report


Complaint Memo – August 2019


2019_08_30 Offsite Interim Preemptive Mitigation Installation Monthly Update


2019_08_08 Response Activity Plan – Utility Corridor Evaluation

Vapor Report

34550 Beacon – Q3 – 2019 – Vapor Report

Groundwater Report

34480 Capitol – Q3 – 2019 – Groundwater Report

Vapor Report

34480 Capitol – Q3 – 2019 – Vapor Report

Groundwater Report

34450 Capitol – Q3 – 2019 – Groundwater Report

Groundwater Report

34450 Beacon – Q3 – 2019 – Groundwater Report

Groundwater Report

34424 Capitol – Q3 – 2019 – Groundwater Report

Groundwater Report

34424 Beacon – Q3 – 2019 – Groundwater Report

Vapor Report

34418 Rosati – Q3 – 2019 – Vapor Report

Vapor Report

34410 Rosati – Q3 – 2019 – Vapor Report

Groundwater Report

34401 Capitol – Q3 – 2019 – Groundwater Report

Groundwater Report

34380 Capitol – Q3 – 2019 – Groundwater Report

Vapor Report

34380 Capitol – Q3 – 2019 – Vapor Report

Groundwater Report

34380 Beacon – Q3 – 2019 – Groundwater Report

Groundwater Report

34367 Capitol – Q3 – 2019 – Groundwater Report

Vapor Report

34367 Capitol – Q3 – 2019 – Vapor Report

Groundwater Report

34360 Capitol – Q3 – 2019 – Groundwater Report